The mission of Downtown Pontiac, IL is to preserve, promote, and enhance the historic downtown district and to create partnerships that stimulate economic activity and growth throughout the community.
Mission Statement
With its historic charm, walkable and welcoming business district, and vibrant arts and cultural communities, Downtown Pontiac is committed to go from a place where people can be and a place where people want to be, to a place where people are. A unified and focused effort of downtown businesses, local government, and residents of the community ensures the success of this vision for Pontiac.
Vision Statement
The City of Pontiac, IL applied to become a Main Street community in 2019. In 2021 we were granted affiliate status with Main Street America as an Illinois Main Street community. The Main Street Manager is a City of Pontiac employee in the Community Enrichment Department. We are supported by an advisory board made of up local business owners, community members, and local economic development organizations. The advisory board leads committees in each of the four points (Economic Vitality, Design, Organization, and Promotion) and works closely with the Retail committee comprised of locally owned small businesses. Our boundaries run from Chicago St to Ladd St and the Vermilion River to Howard St including all businesses on those boundaries. While those are our physical boundaries we support all small businesses within the City of Pontiac limits.